Practice Resources

The Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians is committed to providing Minnesota family physicians with resources to assist in addressing burnout and collaborating with our members to advocate for change on behalf of family medicine.

Physician Well-being Resources

What Members Are Saying


Have a physician well-being resource you want to share or want to join our work advocating to address issues causing burnout at a legislative or administrative level? Contact us.

The Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) aims to support family physicians, resident physicians and medical students across Minnesota in bridging gaps in patient care, promoting health equity and addressing racism.

The resources/tools linked from this page are a starting point for exploring health equity topics inside and outside of clinic walls.

Health Equity Lens Tool

Implicit Bias Training

Health Equity Resources

MAFP Health Equity Committee

Family physicians play an important role in access to maternity care, especially in underserved areas. Yet, recent survey data has shown that only 6.7% of practicing family doctors are performing deliveries.

We regularly hear from family physicians from across Minnesota about both the challenges and opportunities around providing obstetrical (OB) care, including the credentialing process and the need for expanded OB skills training.

A list of articles and resources to support family physicians in providing OB care follow.

From the Blog: Hear From Minnesota Family Docs on Family Medicine OB
OB Credentialing & Privileging Self-Advocacy Guide for Family Physicians

Our colleagues at the California Academy of Family Physicians generously gave us permission to adapt and share their credentialing and privileging self-advocacy guide (with the following links to articles and resources), so family physicians can advocate to be able to provide obstetrical care in their practices.

AAFP Resources on Credentialing & Privileging:


Research Studies on Family Medicine Obstetrics:

Powell J, Skinner C, Lavender D, Avery D, Leeper J. Obstetric care by family physicians and infant mortality in rural Alabama. J AM BOARD FAM MED. 2018;31(4):542 49.

Young RA. Maternity care services provided by family physicians in rural hospitals. J AM BOARD FAM MED. 2017;30(1):71-77.

Aubrey-Bassler K, Cullen RM, Simms A, et al. Outcomes of deliveries by family physicians or obstetricians: a population-based cohort study using an instrumental variable. CMAJ. 2015;187(15):1125-1132.

Avery DM, Burgess K, McDonald JT, et al. Neonatal outcomes of 26,331 infants delivered by obstetrics fellowship trained family physicians and OB/Gyns. J FAM MED DIS PREV. 2015;1-3.

Homan FF, Olson AL, Johnson DJ. A comparison of cesarean delivery outcomes for rural family physicians and obstetricians. J AM BOARD FAM MED. 2013;26(4):366-72.

Runser LA, Short MW. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy by a family physician: a case series demonstrating health care savings. MIL MED. 2007;172(8):888-891.

Deutchman ME, Sills D, Connor PD. Perinatal outcomes: a comparison between family physicians and obstetricians. J AM BOARD FAM PRACT. 1995;8(6):440-7.

Rodney WM, Hocutt JE Jr, Coleman WH, et al. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy by family physicians: a national multisite study of 717 procedures. J AM BOARD FAM PRACT. 1990;3(2):73-79.

Krikke EH, Bell NR. Relation of family physician or specialist care to obstetric interventions and outcomes in patients at low risk: a western Canadian cohort study. CMAJ. 1989;140(6):637-43.

Franks P, Eisinger S. Adverse perinatal outcomes: is physician specialty a risk factor?. J FAM PRACT. 1987;24(2):152-6.

Know other resources that may help? Reach out to us at

In 2022, the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians created a Family Medicine OB Workgroup.

Among its goals, the workgroup aims to help medical students and family medicine residents see the possibilities for OB care in their future practices as well as to advocate for the support family physicians need to be able to practice OB.

Want to get involved in the MAFP’s advocacy efforts around family medicine OB? Email

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Sunday, October 13, 2024

4:30 - 8:30 pm

Transition to Practice

Saturday, November 2, 2024

8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Intro to Advocacy

Saturday, November 2, 2024

12:30 - 2:30 pm

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Saturday, November 2, 2024

12:30 - 2:30 pm

Musculoskeletal: ABFM Knowledge Self-Assessment (KSA)

Sunday, December 8, 2024

4:30 - 8:30 pm

Transition to Practice