Become a Partner/Sponsor

Reach Minnesota’s 3,100+ family physicians across a variety of touch points: print, digital and/or in-person interactions.

Partner offerings include program/event sponsorship and advertising.

Questions? Contact the MAFP.

Continuing Medical Education

Spring Refresher
April 10-11, 2025 (Rush Creek Golf Club, Maple Grove)

Two full days of continuing medical education and connection for family physicians.

Benefits include a one-minute presentation, display table, recognition across event promotional materials and registration for two. Limited to 13 partners.

Package details and registration will become available in fall 2024. Contact us to be on our initial contact list.


Minnesota Reception at 2024 AAFP FMX ($2,500)
September 25, 2024 (Phoenix, AZ)

A reception for Minnesota family physicians attending the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Family Medicine Experience (FMX) national continuing medical education conference, the premier event for family physicians and industry leaders.

Benefits include recognition across MAFP promotional materials and registration for two. Limited to two sponsors.

Purchase AAFP FMX Minnesota Reception sponsorship.

Digital Ad in All-Member E-newsletter

Place an ad in our monthly e-newsletter, Family Medicine Matters, sent on/around the last Tuesday of each month to our 3,100+ members across Minnesota (including family physicians, family medicine residents and medical students interested in family medicine).

Digital Ad in Student & Resident E-newsletter

Place an ad in Student & Residents News, an e-newsletter typically sent the second week of every other month (Feb., Apr., Jun., Aug., Oct., Dec.) to 560+ members, including Minnesota medical students interested in family medicine and family medicine resident physicians, residency program directors and residency program coordinators from Minnesota’s 11 family medicine residency programs across the state.

Digital Web Banner

Be visible on the home page with a digital banner (prominently placed).

Digital Job Posting

Post job openings on our career resources website:

Print and/or Digital Ad in Magazine

Place an ad in THE targeted print publication for Minnesota family physicians, Minnesota Family Physician, mailed quarterly to 3,100+ members across Minnesota (including family physicians, family medicine residents and medical students interested in family medicine).

New & Noteworthy
Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) legislative representative Dave Renner, CAE, reports
Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) legislative representative Dave Renner, CAE, reports
AAFP Federal Advocacy Update, June 2024
Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) legislative representative Dave Renner, CAE, reports on the end of the 2024 legislative session and shares updates on legislation on prior authorization reform, physician
2024 MN Legislative Session Ends: Prior Auth Reform Passed
Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) legislative representative Dave Renner, CAE, reports on the end of the 2024 legislative session and shares updates on legislation on prior authorization reform, physician
The Importance of Screening Patients for Military Service
Screening for military service —or the Ask the Question (ATQ) Campaign—is a movement that the Minnesota Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention Coalition (of which the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians