House of Delegates 2022 Recap

Forty-seven members from across Minnesota attended the 2022 Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) House of Delegates (HOD) on May 14 in Rochester (or online). Members deliberated and voted on resolutions—written motions that guide the work of the MAFP—and elected the next Board of Directors.

L-R, MAFP Chief Operating Officer Jami Burbidge, MAM, Reference Committee Chair
Cybill Oragwu, MD, President Elect Alex Vosooney, MD, Chief Executive
Officer Maria Huntley, CAE, MAM, and member Jay-Sheree Allen, MD
, at the 2022 House of Delegates in Rochester, Minnesota.

Eleven resolutions were submitted for this year’s HOD. Prior to the May 14 meeting, members were given the opportunity to submit written commentary on resolutions. Comments were then shared with the Reference Committees and utilized in making recommendations for action to the HOD.


  • Six were adopted (summarized below).
  • Four were referred to the Board of Directors for further discussion.
  • Two were filed for information.

Adopted Resolutions

Advocating for New ICD Codes for Gender Affirming Care: The MAFP will submit a resolution to the AAFP Congress of Delegates asking for support and advocacy for comprehensive ICD-10 codes for gender affirming care that are inclusive of the patient experience.

Educate MAFP Members on Affirming Care for People with Intersex Traits: The MAFP will provide two CME credits about caring for intersex individuals from the lens of the family physician and an intersex individual and/or clinical expert as well as compile and distribute a resource list of leaders in the intersex community for patient/family referral.

Build Street Medicine and Recuperative Care Awareness and Support Among Family Physicians: The MAFP will raise awareness of and support for street medicine and recuperative care within the medical community and general public.

Decriminalization [for Drug Level Charges for Possession and Use]: The MAFP will support efforts to decriminalize (not legalize) drug level charges for possession and use (excluding trafficking) and support a “Dissuasion Commission” advisory council to oversee county courts and treatment facilities. The MAFP will join State Opioid Oversight Project (SOOP) efforts and support comprehensive care and connection to community medications for opioid use disorder upon release when incarceration and drug charges still result.

Expanded Obstetrical Skills Training and Credentialing: The MAFP will look to partner with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) in Minnesota to review and apply AAFP/ACOG national policy recommendations for obstetrical procedures, including C-sections and operative vaginal deliveries, to create recommendations for credentialing practices in Minnesota and as well as opportunities for physicians to demonstrate and maintain full spectrum OB skills.

Prior Approval: The MAFP will work through non-legislative means toward moving insurance companies and pharmacy benefit managers to always include in their “non-coverage notices” the specific reason a drug is not approved, as well as the potential replacement drugs that would be approved.

More details about the 2022 resolutions and actions taken will be available soon at

Election Results

The incoming Board of Directors begins their one-year term on July 1, 2022.

  • President & AAFP Senior Alternate Delegate: Alex Vosooney, MD
  • President Elect: Bob Jeske, MD
  • Immediate Past President: Deb Dittberner, MD, MBA
  • Treasurer & AAFP Senior Delegate: Dania Kamp, MD, FAAFP
  • Speaker of the House: Roli Dwivedi, MD
  • Vice Speaker of the House: Alex Sharp, MD
  • AAFP Junior Delegate: Dave Bucher, MD, FAAFP
  • AAFP Junior Alternate Delegate: Nicole Chaisson, MD

A full list of MAFP leaders, including directors, will be updated on our website on/after July 1, 2022, at

Incoming MAFP President Alex Vosooney, MD, addressing the House of Delegates.

Convocation of Fellows

During our House of Delegates, the degree of Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians (FAAFP) was conferred on 11 members.

“The Degree of Fellow recognizes AAFP members who have distinguished themselves among their colleagues, as well as in their communities, by their service to family medicine, by their advancement of health care to the American people, and by their professional development through medical education and research. Fellows of the AAFP are recognized as champions of family medicine. They are the physicians who make family medicine the premier specialty in service to their community and profession. From a personal perspective, being a Fellow signifies not only ‘tenure’ but additional work in your community, within organized medicine, within teaching, and a greater commitment to continuing professional development and/or research.”

American Academy of Family Physicians, Degree of Fellow

Thank you to our MAFP members, leaders and staff who participated (both in person and online) in helping to set the policies and direction of the MAFP and elect our next slate of leaders.

The work continues…