House of Delegates 2023 Recap

Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) members—family physicians, resident physicians and medical students—from across Minnesota attended the 2023 MAFP House of Delegates (HOD) on May 6 in Duluth (or online), where members deliberated and voted on resolutions—written motions that guide the work of the MAFP. Election results were also announced for the 2023-2024 Board of Directors. 

Fifteen resolutions were submitted by MAFP members for this year’s HOD. Prior to the voting and deliberation on May 6, members were given the opportunity to submit written commentary on resolutions. Comments were then shared with the Reference Committees and utilized in making recommendations for action to the HOD. 


  • Adopted: 6 (summarized below
  • Referred to the Board of Directors for further discussion: 3 
  • Filed for Information:
  • Not Adopted: 5  

Adopted Resolutions 

Insulin for All: Make Affordable Insulin a Reality: Be it resolved that the MAFP collaborate with Minnesota legislators to encourage legislatively expanding the Minnesota Insulin Safety Net Program and other available assistance programs to provide any type of insulin for all individuals with a qualifying diagnosis of any form of diabetes mellitus and prescribed insulin. 
Encourage Access to Medication Therapy Management Services: Be it resolved that the MAFP support that pharmacists and the health care organizations that employ them should offer and promote comprehensive medication management services and interprofessional collaboration between family physicians and pharmacists as part of their commitment to supporting patient health through the optimal use of medications.  
Restore Patient Protection Laws: Be it resolved that the HOD ask that an MAFP committee and the Board study how the Minnesota corporate practice of medicine law applies to both nonprofit and for-profit entities in Minnesota and present to the 2024 HOD ways in which the corporate practice of medicine laws of the state might be improved.  
Recognize Access to Civil Legal Aid Services as a Social Determinant of Health: Be it resolved that the MAFP recognize inequities in access to civil legal aid services for health-harming legal needs is a social determinant of health; be it further resolved that the MAFP recognize civil legal services for health-harming legal needs include but are not limited to legal services that support access to health care, safe housing and work environments, safeguards against financial exploitation and assistance with family issues such as protection from abusive relationships, child support and custody; be it further resolved that the resolution be brought forward to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Congress of Delegates that the AAFP recognizes that inequities in access to civil legal aid services for health-harming legal needs is a social determinant of health.  
Abolish Slavery and/or Involuntary Servitude from the Minnesota Constitution: Be it resolved that the MAFP supports all efforts to remove slavery from our constitution and penal system and supports the passage of legislation prohibiting slavery and/or involuntary servitude as criminal punishment for a crime.  

Increase MAFP Dues: Be it resolved that the annual MAFP dues for members in the Active category be increased by twenty-five dollars ($25) per active member, effective with 2024 dues.
More details about the 2023 resolutions and actions taken will be available soon at 

Election Results 

The incoming Board of Directors begins their one-year term on July 1, 2023. 


  • President: Bob Jeske, MD 
  • President Elect: Roli Dwivedi, MD 
  • Immediate Past President and AAFP Senior Alternate Delegate: Alex Vosooney, MD 
  • Treasurer: Cybill Oragwu, MD 
  • Speaker of the House: Alex Sharp, MD 
  • Vice Speaker of the House: Jamie Conniff, MD, MPH 
  • AAFP Senior Delegate: Dania Kamp, MD, FAAFP 
  • AAFP Junior Delegate: Dave Bucher, MD, FAAFP 
  • AAFP Junior Alternate Delegate: Nicole Chaisson, MD, MPH 

A full list of MAFP leaders, including directors, will be updated on our website on/after July 1, 2023, at 

“We must continue to fight the good fight & continue to love one another.” – Incoming MAFP President Bob Jeske, MD, speaking at the 2023 MAFP House of Delegates.

Convocation of Fellows 

During our House of Delegates, the degree of Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians (FAAFP) was conferred on four members. 

Congrats to Drs. Adegoke, Cardwell, Matthews and Miller!

“The Degree of Fellow recognizes AAFP members who have distinguished themselves among their colleagues, as well as in their communities, by their service to family medicine, by their advancement of health care to the American people, and by their professional development through medical education and research. Fellows of the AAFP are recognized as champions of family medicine. They are the physicians who make family medicine the premier specialty in service to their community and profession. From a personal perspective, being a Fellow signifies not only ‘tenure’ but additional work in your community, within organized medicine, within teaching, and a greater commitment to continuing professional development and/or research.”  

American Academy of Family Physicians, Degree of Fellow 

Thank you to our MAFP members, leaders and staff who participated (both in person and online) in helping to set the policies and direction of the MAFP and elect our next slate of leaders. 

The work continues… 

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