
Advocating for Family Medicine is an advocacy blog by the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP)

About the Blog

Family physicians play a pivotal role in health care. We want to increase awareness of that role and the impact family medicine has on the health of patients, communities and Minnesota.

We also want to equip Minnesota family physicians with the tools needed to be advocates for their patients, practice and profession. We want advocacy to be accessible to ALL our members.

On this blog, you will find legislative updates, invitations to take action on issues or proposed legislation, advocacy tools and practice resources.

About the MAFP

We promote the specialty of family medicine in Minnesota and support family physicians as they provide high quality, comprehensive and continuous medical care for patients of ALL ages.

The MAFP is a state chapter of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).

The Academy offers continuing medical education opportunities throughout the year, supports advocacy of family medicine in Minnesota and promotes the specialty of family medicine to Minnesota medical students.

We are the largest medical specialty organization in Minnesota, representing more than 3,100 family physicians, family medicine residents and medical students.

Social Media House Rules

We welcome your opinions and encourage open discussion about the topics we post. Comments that are off-topic, inappropriate or offensive are subject to removal without notice, including comments that use offensive language or rhetoric, and/or are a personal attack, promote commercial enterprises, sell or solicit offers to sell goods or services for personal gain and/or promote a specific political candidate or political party.

Comments posted to the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians social media accounts do not reflect the opinions of the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians.