MAFP Supports Direct Primary Care

On March 12, 2019, the Minnesota House Commerce Committee will hear a bill on direct primary care (DPC).

Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) President Glenn Nemec, MD, sent the following to Senator Scott Jensen, who is also an MAFP member, in support of the DPC legislation Senator Jensen has authored, SF 277.

The MAFP—representing 3,100+ Minnesota family physicians, family medicine residents and medical students—believes DPC supports the physician-patient relationship and continuity of care.

DPC benefits patients by providing a greater degree of access to—and time with—their physician. Because DPC physicians do not generate revenue solely on the basis of how many patients they see per day, many report that they have significantly more time to spend with patients in face-to-face visits.

Additionally, many DPC physicians provide a larger array of non-face-to-face services, such as tele-visits or e-visits, to ensure primary care services can be accessed in a manner most convenient for patients and their families.

This legislation is needed to allow DPC to flourish as a business model—DPC should not be regulated as an insurance product.

Thank you, Senator Jensen, for your work on this important bill. DPC will improve care coordination and promote needed primary care services that will benefit patients throughout Minnesota.

Take action

Tell committee members to VOTE YES on SF 277.

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Posted by: Jami Burbidge, MAM, director of advocacy & engagement, @jami_burbidge