Health Justice Series

Friday-Saturday, August 23-24, 2024

White Coats for Black Lives at the University of Minnesota Medical School (WC4BL) is hosting a health justice series (fall 2023). Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) members are invited to join three of the online sessions/teach-ins via Zoom. No cost to attend; registration required!

Health Justice Teach-Ins Open to MAFP Members

Health Justice for Immigrants & Culturally Responsive Healthcare in Minnesota

Tuesday, September 19, 2023 • 5:45 - 7:45 pm

Weight Bias, Nutrition & Eating Disorders

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 • 5:45 - 7:45 pm

Policing & Incarceration

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 • 5:45 - 7:45 pm


Please note: Teach-in sessions are not lectures but centered around discussion. Participation is valued and encouraged.

Access Teach-In Materials from White Coats for Black Lives, including recommended reading materials, local resources and a discussion guide.

WC4BL Health Justice Series Objectives

  1. Student-created and -led space for collective readings, discussions and case-based sessions that focus on groups who have been historically marginalized (Black, Native, Latinx and Immigrant populations) and harmed due to racism and the archaic nature of medicine.
  2. Critically analyze health justice topics under the context of Minnesota, and more specifically the Twin Cities community, through community site visits. (Site visits not currently available to MAFP members.)
  3. Prioritize perspectives from interdisciplinary fields, like the social sciences, race, indigeneity, disability, gender and sexuality studies, through a trauma-informed, healing-centered lens.

What Makes This Teach-In Series Different?

Oftentimes, conversations around having a trauma-informed perspective are very White-centric due to ignoring the impact of race, the way that trauma impacts everyone’s life and how a trauma-informed framework evolved from concepts rooted in healing justice. Therefore, body-centered practices from Reesma’s My Grandmother’s Hands book will be used as a guide throughout every session (Note: Body scans will not be used in these sessions in order to avoid re-traumatization in a group setting).

Additionally, we believe in examining the impact of intersectionality and centering the voices of groups who have been historically marginalized when discussing health justice, so the majority of our texts will derive from the knowledge of Black, Brown, Native and immigrant scholars and community perspectives.

Continuing Medical Education Accreditation

The AAFP has reviewed Health Justice Series, and deemed it acceptable for AAFP credit. Term of approval is from 09/19/2023 to 11/28/2023. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Each session is accredited for 2.0 Live AAFP Prescribed credits.

Participation Options

Register for any or all of the sessions. No cost! Registration through the MAFP is limited to MAFP members only.

New & Noteworthy
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Resources for Residents & Students


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