Ensuring Family Medicine Has a Seat at the Table

Our health systems have changed more in the past four weeks than in the last decade.
Even after the current crisis fades, the old ways cannot fully return. All systems will change, and a new healthcare reality will emerge. Family physicians must help shape that change.

There are over 200 boards, commissions, councils, work groups and task forces that work to advise policymakers and regulate our professionals. We aspire to have family physicians involved in every aspect of the community that impacts our patients and our practices. As such, service on many executive branch boards and commissions that advise policymakers, like the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Minnesota Department of Health and Minnesota Board of Medical Practice, are crucial.

Please consider taking the time to serve in this capacity, as your participation may have a profound impact on guiding healthcare policy implementation and ensure that family medicine has a seat at the table.

Sampling of Open Commission/Board Positions for Minnesota Physicians

See full list of open commission/board positions in Minnesota.

Please contact Jami Burbidge, MAM, the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians Director of Advocacy and Engagement, if you have additional questions or would like help applying for open commission/board positions in Minnesota.

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Author: Renée Crichlow, MD, FAAFP, MAFP President, @reneecrichlowMD