MAFP Email Subscription

Control the content and frequency of emails you receive from the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP).

Use this form to manage your MAFP email subscription preferences.

Change your selections at any time. Follow the link in your subscription confirmation email or contact us to change your subscription settings, such as contact information and message type selections (including none). (Scroll down for descriptions of each message type.)

If you click Save & Finalize Registration and see the message “This email is already in use,” contact us for assistance.

About Our Emails
  • Frequency – Members can expect to receive several emails per month, including pertinent event information, important advocacy updates and legislative calls to action and a monthly e-news, Family Medicine Matters.
  • Deliverability – To help guarantee that you see our emails, safelist these addresses in your email program(s): and
  • Audience – Our emails are intended for our members. Nonmembers may sign up to receive our e-newsletters and/or partnership opportunities emails.

Learn more about MAFP communications. Not receiving our emails? Contact us.

Subscription Information

I am currently…(Required)
My specialty is/was…(Required)
(e.g., nurse practitioner, physician assistant, registered nurse, clinic staff, etc.)

Choose the emails you’d like to receive.

Control the content and frequency of emails you receive from the MAFP by setting your subscription preferences. You can edit this form or contact the MAFP at any time to change your selections. See below for descriptions for each message type.

NOTE: Even if you unsubscribe, you will still receive emails from us related to your event registrations and/or financial transactions.

My email preferences:(Required)
Message type descriptions:
  • MAFP Advocacy – legislative updates and calls to action
  • MAFP E-News – monthly all-member e-newsletter
  • MAFP Events & CME – event announcements and promotions
  • MAFP Local Chapter News – occasional messages about local chapter news and meeting announcements
  • MAFP Research – four opportunities per year to participate in research to support MAFP members practicing or studying within Minnesota.
  • MAFP Resident/Student E-News – monthly e-newsletter for resident and student members
  • MAFP Special Announcements – occasional messages of importance or interest to members

New & Noteworthy
Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) legislative representative Dave Renner, CAE, reports
Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) legislative representative Dave Renner, CAE, reports
AAFP Federal Advocacy Update, June 2024
Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) legislative representative Dave Renner, CAE, reports on the end of the 2024 legislative session and shares updates on legislation on prior authorization reform, physician
2024 MN Legislative Session Ends: Prior Auth Reform Passed
Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) legislative representative Dave Renner, CAE, reports on the end of the 2024 legislative session and shares updates on legislation on prior authorization reform, physician
The Importance of Screening Patients for Military Service
Screening for military service —or the Ask the Question (ATQ) Campaign—is a movement that the Minnesota Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention Coalition (of which the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians