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We Must Do Something About Physician Burnout, Depression & Suicide

In the past four months, the Twin Cities physician community has lost several of our own to suicide. Tragically, we are not alone—about 300-400 physicians in the U.S. die each year from suicide, with physicians facing a suicide risk nearly 2-3 times higher than the general population.

Now more than ever, it’s critical for health care clinics/hospitals/systems, payers, physicians and more to come together to address burnout and the increase in physician suicide. Not only do we need to normalize physicians seeking help for mental health concerns and remove stigma and punishments, but we also need to recognize that our healers are human too and they need support like everyone else.

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Telehealth Moves in Both MN House & Senate

Dave Renner, CAE, Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians legislative rep, shares about Minnesota’s continued bipartisan support for telehealth (including telephone services) and recent movement in the House and Senate.

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Gun Violence Prevention

Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians Gun Violence Prevention Working Group members Emily Benzie, MD, and Pat Fontaine, MD, MS, share ways family physicians can take action to decrease gun violence through patient education and legislative advocacy.

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Telehealth Coverage Extended

During the one-day special session on December 14, 2020, the seventh special session this year, the Minnesota Legislature passed an omnibus bill (HF 19) by large bipartisan majorities that extends coverage for telehealth services.

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See One. Do One. Teach One.

This message from MAFP President Andrew Slattengren, DO, FAAFP, about using “see one, do one, teach one” to support each other through these unprecedented times, originally appeared in the fall 2020 publication of the Minnesota Family Physician magazine.

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Disrupting the Cycle of Misinformation

Timothy Caulfield, PhD, Canadian health law and science professor and best-selling author, addressed America’s family physicians about the rise in misinformation and the need to “move the needle” in slowing its spread. Gets tips on how and when to address misinformation.

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Health Equity Impact Assessment Needed

The Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians encourages the use of a health equity impact assessment before hospitals, clinics and health systems make changes to where and how they deliver care, especially when they serve communities disproportionately impacted by health disparities.

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