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Support SF 3563: Physician Preceptor Tax Credit

On Thursday, March 17, 2022, Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) member Emily Onello, MD, assistant professor at the University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth campus, testified in support of SF 3563, legislation which will provide tax credits to precepting physicians and other health care clinicians that serve as preceptors in Minnesota.

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Support HF 3696 / SF 3689: Understanding Health Care Spending in MN

On Wednesday, March 2, 2022, Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) member Katie Freeman, MD, testified in support of HF 3696, legislation that will help provide a more complete picture of health care spending in Minnesota and help inform any next steps on health care payment reform. Use our Speak Out tool to contact your legislators and urge them to support HF 3696/SF 3689 to better understand health care spending in our state.

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Point-of-Care Ultrasonography in MN

Point-of-care ultrasonography (POCUS) has increased in popularity due to improved technology, lower costs and more portability of new handheld machines. Medical schools and family medicine residency programs are now incorporating POCUS into their training programs.

Dennis Peterson, MD, co-associate program director of the University of Minnesota CentraCare/St. Cloud Family Medicine Residency asks, how can we advance the education of practicing Minnesota family physicians who have interest in learning POCUS skills?

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The C.A.R.E. Clinic: Free Clinic in Red Wing With a One-stop Shop Model of Care

The C.A.R.E. Clinic, a free clinic in Red Wing, Minnesota, recently received an American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation Family Medicine Cares grant.

Since the C.A.R.E. Clinic opened in 2010, it has provided a variety of primary care services to the Red Wing and Goodhue County communities, including dental care, mental health care and help navigating MNsure.

We asked C.A.R.E. Clinic Executive Director Julie Malyon to tell us more about the clinic and the community it’s serving.

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MN Physicians Urge Minnesotans to Get Vaccinated

Earlier this week, MAFP member and former Minnesota House Representative Alice Mann, MD, MPH, joined a group of Minnesota physicians and health care workers from across the state at Hennepin Healthcare Clinic & Specialty Center in Minneapolis. The group shared stories to help shed light on what’s happening in Minnesota hospitals (with the current surge and capacity and workforce issues) and asked Minnesotans to, once again, help slow the spread of COVID-19.

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We Need Family Docs With Advanced OB Training

The number of rural family doctors providing obstetric care is falling. Many small, rural communities are at risk of losing OB services, and maternal mortality continues to be significantly higher in rural areas. Family medicine doctors with advanced OB training are needed now more than ever.

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Addressing the factors contributing to physician burnout

While there is not a singular cause for burnout, family physicians from across Minnesota have voiced shared concerns around payment and reimbursement models, prior authorization, patient documentation and anti-science rhetoric. The Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians and American Academy of Family Physicians are working to address these concerns.

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COVID-19 Vaccines: Safety & Effectiveness

We recognize there is A LOT of information out there regarding COVID-19 vaccines. It can feel overwhelming; and, unfortunately, not all of it is accurate.

Here’s what we know: vaccines are safe, effective and our number one tool at preventing serious illness and death related to COVID-19.

This post includes links to resources and trusted sources on vaccine safety, effectiveness and FAQs.

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We Need You to Join the Fight Against the Delta Variant

The Delta variant is now the dominant strain across Minnesota (and the U.S.): it’s more contagious and may cause more severe illness than past variants (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). We are seeing infections and hospitalizations increasing again—and, in turn, our health system is being strained.

We know many of you are SO tired and have done your part in the past to limit the spread and fight this pandemic. Unfortunately, the more people in our communities who don’t do their part, the more the virus will mutate (change) and cause problems for all of us.

Once again, we’re hearing from family physicians across Minnesota: They are tired. They are struggling. They are fighting for you. But, they need YOU to join the fight!

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