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Telehealth Moves in Both MN House & Senate

Dave Renner, CAE, Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians legislative rep, shares about Minnesota’s continued bipartisan support for telehealth (including telephone services) and recent movement in the House and Senate.

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Gun Violence Prevention

Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians Gun Violence Prevention Working Group members Emily Benzie, MD, and Pat Fontaine, MD, MS, share ways family physicians can take action to decrease gun violence through patient education and legislative advocacy.

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Public Option, Vaccine Exemptions, Loan Forgiveness & Climate Change

Dave Renner, CAE, legislative rep for the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP), recaps recent activities at the Minnesota State Capitol related to health care, including a hearing on MinnesotaCare expansion, the introduction of a new vaccine exemption bill, funding for physician loan forgiveness and a hearing on climate change and public health.

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Governor Walz’s Budget Proposal

Dave Renner, CAE, the legislative rep for the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians, summarizes Governor Walz’s budget recommendations for Minnesota for the upcoming two-year period and the potential impact on health care.

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Telehealth Coverage Extended

During the one-day special session on December 14, 2020, the seventh special session this year, the Minnesota Legislature passed an omnibus bill (HF 19) by large bipartisan majorities that extends coverage for telehealth services.

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2021 Legislative Preview

The start of the 2021 Minnesota legislative session is just weeks away. Our legislative rep Dave Renner, CAE, shares his take on what to expect for health care (and, more specifically, family medicine).

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MAFP Advocacy Summit Recap 2020

Members of the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians came together (online) on Saturday, December 5, 2020, for the MAFP Advocacy Summit to dialogue with Minnesota House Representative Dave Pinto (DFL-District 64B) and advise the Academy on issues of importance to family medicine and patients. Read a recap.

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