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Get Equipped to Advocate

Minnesota family medicine residents, medical students and practicing family docs are invited to get equipped to advocate effectively for their patients and family medicine at one of two upcoming Intro to Advocacy workshops. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required.

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St. Peter Free Clinic Filling Gap in Care

We talked with past MAFP President Keith Stelter, MD, MMM, about the St. Peter Community Free Clinic—how it’s filling a need in the community of St. Peter and what a recent grant from the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation means to its operations.

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MAFP Leadership Openings

The Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians is a member-focused, member-led organization. We are always looking for members to step into volunteer leadership roles. View a list of 2020 volunteer/leadership openings for MAFP members and help guide our work and advocacy efforts.

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What’s Race Got to Do With It?

Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians Health Equity Task Force members Ebiere Okah, MD, and Andrea Westby, MD, FAAFP, share about the use of race in medical research, practice and clinical decision-making and why there is the need for reform.

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Hooked on the AAFP National Conference

Paul Stadem, MD, MAFP alternate resident director, shares what he loves most about the upcoming American Academy of Family Physicians National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students and tips for first-time attendees.

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Meet the New MAFP President

New Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians President Renée Crichlow, MD, shares about her passion for family medicine and hopes for the Academy over the next year.

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House of Delegates 2019 Recap

The Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) held its House of Delegates on March 30, 2019, bringing together nearly 100 family physicians from across Minnesota to help guide the policies and set the direction of the Academy.

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