Academic Affairs Committee
Continuing Medical Education Committee
Finance Committee
Health Equity Committee
Leadership Development Committee
Legislative Committee
Research & Quality Improvement Committee
Family Medicine Obstetrics Task Force
Resolutions (2022-2023)

Academic Affairs Committee

Chaired by: Angela Smithson, MD, MPH

The New Resident Welcome Event was held at the Urban Growler in St. Paul, welcoming both first- and second-year residents as the event was not held in 2022. Eighty-three (83) residents, faculty and MAFP leaders took part. Twenty-two (22) residents received scholarships provided through a gift from the late Dr. Arden Anderson.

Twenty-seven (27) Minnesota medical students attended the 2023 AAFP National Conference in Kansas City through reimbursement provided by the MAFP (and other supporters). Twenty-four (24) students have applied for reimbursement to attend the 2024 conference. Applications will remain open until August.

Rebecca Stoll, DO, second-year resident, Mayo Clinic FMRP, was elected as the Resident Alternate Delegate to the AAFP Congress of Delegates.

Austen Ott, third-year medical student, University of Minnesota, was appointed to the AAFP Commission on Federal and State Policy.

Vineet Raman, third-year medical student, University of Minnesota, was appointed to the AAFP Commission on the Center for Global Health Initiatives.

170 medical students and IMGs attended the Meet Your MATCH event on September 9.

Continuing Medical Education Committee

Chaired by: Sandy Stover, MD, FAAFP

The Summer CME conference was held at Grand View Lodge in Nisswa. A preceptor workshop and a Group KSA Session: Care of Children took place in the afternoons.

Group KSA sessions were Care of Older Adults, Care of Children, Behavioral Health and Heart Disease.

The Spring Refresher (back to a two-day event) was held at Rush Creek Golf Club in Maple Grove.

The Long COVID ECHO for Health Care Providers series is underway. The next two sessions are May 22 and June 5 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm online. These sessions are a partnership between Stratis Health, MDH and the MAFP.

Finance Committee

Chaired by: Cybill Oragwu, MD

The board reviewed and approved the 2023 audited financial reports at the March 2024 board meeting with no findings or concerns. The MAFP engages CPA Audit Firm Carpenter and Evert annually to provide a full financial audit of both the MAFP and the MAFP Foundation.

The MAFP maintains the recommended 12 months of the annual operating budget in reserves and continues to work with the same investment advisor with BMO Harris. A copy of the year-end financial report is available upon request.


The leadership of the Foundation and the Academy have continued to strengthen the alignment of the shared strategic priorities and the Foundation’s fundraising muscle with members and outside funders alike.

The Foundation successfully raised funding to support scholarships to send 24 Minnesota medical students to the 2024 AAFP National Conference (coming up in August) and fund five Innovation Grants to residents and students and two David Mersy, MD, Summer Externship for medical students.

Health Equity Committee

Chaired by: Jenny Zhang, MD

The MAFP offered three health justice series sessions in partnership with White Coats for Black Lives on the topics of Health Justice for Immigrants, Policing and Incarceration and Weight Neutral Health Care. White Coats for Black Lives provided resources for MAFP members that were unable to join the conversation.

Over the past year, staff and committee leaders developed and compiled health equity resources, including an equity lens tool, that are available on the MAFP website. The committee is currently working on a community partnership tool kit with best practices for members that are working (or have interest in working) on initiatives in their communities. The committee works hard to ensure the Academy has the programming and resources that will assist MAFP members while working on issues of health equity and that the organization reflects the diverse voices of its members.

Leadership Development Committee

Chaired by: Alex Vosooney, MD

The Leadership Development Committee is responsible for identifying and recruiting future family physician leaders. It’s comprised of the last five past presidents, one member at large, one active member who has been in practice less than seven years and one active member from a special constituency as the defined by the AAFP. It is chaired by the Immediate Past President and the President, President-Elect and Board Chair serve as ex-officio members.

The committee met twice this past year to develop the proposed slate of candidates for the 2024-2025 MAFP Board of Directors, make recommendations for the Minnesota Delegation to the AAFP National Conference of Constituency Leaders (NCCL) and encourage and support members applying for AAFP Commission positions.

Four Minnesota members attended NCCL in 2024: Jamie Conniff, MD, MPH; Kate Schreck, MD; Sara Robinson, MD; and Marjan Jahani Kondori, MD, MPH.

Four Minnesota members are serving on AAFP Commissions: Nicole Chaisson, MD, MPH – Commission on Health of the Public and Science; Alex Sharp, MD – Commission on Continuing Professional Development; Jami Burbidge, CAE, MAM – Commission on Education; Betsy Gilbertson, MD – Commission on Quality and Practice.

Legislative Committee

Chaired by: Nicole Chaisson, MD, MPH

The MAFP has been active around a number of priority issues throughout the 2024 legislative session. The MAFP’s main focus has been reforming prior authorization and continuing to advocate for increased investment in primary care. Staff and President Dr. Bob Jeske met with legislative leaders to share the MAFP’s agenda and has continually been providing written letters and testimony on multiple issues throughout the session. Two SpeakOuts were sent to MAFP members, urging them to contact their legislators on prior authorization reform. MAFP members did a great job responding and AAFP staff shared that Minnesota had a high response rate compared to other states for this call for action. Again this year, the MAFP hosted a family medicine lunch in advance of MMA’s Physicians’ Day at the Capitol. There was excellent family medicine turnout and the group had a great conversation with family medicine Senator Alice Mann around a number of health policy issues being debated. Dr. Mann urged family docs to get involved in the legislative process, as the family medicine voice is so important.

Additionally, MAFP physician and staff leaders met with the Department of Human Services Assistant Commissioner John Connelly to ensure a voice for family medicine as the agency turns its attention in 2025 to Medicaid reimbursement rates. The MAFP will continue to advocate for primary care and the need for more adequate reimbursement and investment.

The MAFP will host a post-legislative session virtual conversation on June 25, 2024, at 7:00 pm to provide members with an update and a chance to provide feedback and have conversation on the topics that are important to family docs and their patients.

In 2024, the MAFP hired a new advocacy coordinator, Chavah Gabrielle, to help support the Academy’s many advocacy initiatives. The Academy continues to look for ways to bring the voice of family medicine forward in advocacy and train our members to advocate on behalf of their patients and communities.

Research & Quality Improvement Committee

Chaired by: Sara Oberhelman Eaton, MD, FAAFP

The Innovation & Research Forum was held March 16, 2024, in a hybrid format at UCare in Minneapolis, bringing together 62 practicing family physicians, researchers, medical students and residents to dig into the latest in family medicine innovations and research and see how the findings can translate into clinical practice and improve patient care. The Forum included 11 presentations and 10 posters.

Family Medicine Obstetrics Task Force

Chaired by: Alex Vosooney, MD

The MAFP has been facilitating conversations between family physicians and OB/GYNs discussing how to best support the family medicine obstetrics practitioners across the state. Rural family doc leaders at low-volume hospitals have asked for assistance in identifying opportunities to help them stay current and confident with their OB skills. The group has also been discussing challenges with credentialing and other opportunities for advocacy and education. FM OB resources have been curated and published on the MAFP website to assist members. The MAFP is exploring providing ALSO training for members and their teams beginning in 2025.

Resolutions Progress Report

2023 & 2022 (PDF)

Thank you to the University of Minnesota for hosting our 2024 House of Delegates meeting!

New & Noteworthy
Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) legislative representative Dave Renner, CAE, reports
Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) legislative representative Dave Renner, CAE, reports
Resources for Residents & Students


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AAFP Federal Advocacy Update, June 2024
Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) legislative representative Dave Renner, CAE, reports on the end of the 2024 legislative session and shares updates on legislation on prior authorization reform, physician
2024 MN Legislative Session Ends: Prior Auth Reform Passed
Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) legislative representative Dave Renner, CAE, reports on the end of the 2024 legislative session and shares updates on legislation on prior authorization reform, physician
The Importance of Screening Patients for Military Service
Screening for military service —or the Ask the Question (ATQ) Campaign—is a movement that the Minnesota Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention Coalition (of which the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians